Wiki Place of Service Question


Pinellas Park, FL
Best answers
I work in a cardiology physician office and testing is done in the office. The questions
comes up how this should be billed. The doctors are employed by the hospital and the
equipment is owned by the hospital. When authorization are obtained they are getting
them under outpatient hospital (22) as place of service. So when this is billed should
it be billed under outpatient hosptial (22) or office (11) for the physician portion of the
Is the office located in the hospital? Or is the hospital owned equipment located in the physician office? If you are a physician office within a facility then your POS is always a 22. If you are an independent physician office with facility equipment, then what is your arrangement with the facility for the equipment? do you lease it? if so you bill the global charge with the POS as 11. I am not sure Itotally understand the arrangement so thta is the best I can do.