Wiki Place of service question


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What determines the place of service? I know for the vast majority of situations it is where the service occurs. However for 59400, it is an general obstetrical code that includes all prenatals, vaginal birth, and postpartums, if all of the prenatals occur in an office and the birth occurs at home which place of service would you use? I believe that you would use the place of the birth, however I have a provider that is trying to get me to bill under office (her reasoning being that is where the majority of the code occurred) because the insurance plan does not reimburse for place of service being home.
Did the provider go to the patient's home and deliver the baby at the patient's home? If so, I believe that the POS has to be where the deliver occurred. For example, when the baby is delivered in the hospital, the POS is inpatient (21), even thought the prenatal and postpartum visits occurred in the clinic (11).
Thank you. That was exactly what I was thinking. I just couldn't find it in writing anywhere. My AAPC book was vague on that type of situation. Yes the delivery occurred at the patient's home.