Wiki Place of Service (POS) codes


Houston, TX
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Place of Service (POS) codes that Physicians/Providers are to use on claims for services to patients starting April 1, 2013.

Under the new Place of Service (POS) codes that Physicians/Providers are to use on claims for services to patients starting April 1, 2013
There are two exceptions: The physician should always uses the POS code where the beneficiary is receiving care as a hospital inpatient (POS code 21) or an outpatient of a hospital (POS code 22) regardless of where the beneficiary encounters the face-to-face service. The Medicare Claims Processing Manual already requires this for physician services (and for certain independent laboratory services) provided to beneficiaries in the inpatient hospital; the new policy clarifies this exception and extends it to beneficiaries of the outpatient hospital, as well.
In other words, reporting the inpatient hospital POS code 21 or the outpatient hospital POS code 22, is a minimum requirement for purposes of triggering the facility payment under the PFS when services are provided to a registered inpatient or an outpatient of a hospital respectively.
The list of settings where a physician?s services are paid at the facility rate include.
So if the patient was brought to the physicians office by an ambulance and seen in the physician office which is separate from the facility we are suppose to bill the POS code 21 or 22 but what about the visit code should that be billed as 9921X or 9922X??What is your opinion about this?