Wiki Place of Service code

Maricopa, AZ
Best answers
anyone out there billing diagnostic "free-standing" outpatient... our company has been billing pos 11 and im questioning if that is correct... since then ive come to pos 49. but not to sure... these descriptions of pos seem to be anyones interpertation.

Jesse C.
Medical Coder
if the state has licensed your clinic as a free standing outpatient clinic then you are not an 11. Maybe a 49, or possible the same as urgent care. I do not enough information to be able to tell you the appropriate POS.
pos 49

Look at the CPT book almost the first page which is headed by Place of Service Code for Professional Claims

49 states Independent Clinic - A location, not part of a hospital and not described by any other Place of Service code, that is organized and operated to provide preventative, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative, or palliative services to outpatients only. eff 10/1/13

Does that describe the facility?
Thank you
Chapman jay

So on our form this is the category that we have to pick from.
Clinic/group practice
Independent diagnostic testing facility
Key word would be CLINIC ?.
What is the difference between the two?
hard to answer in this forum with some specific knowledge. What is your practice main focus , what personnel is on site, what does your licensure with the state list as your business purpose.