Wiki PIP dislocation and bill Hammertoe code?


True Blue
Salt Lake City, UT
Best answers
Patient has a dislocation of the PIP joint on the toe. Doc does an implant for fusion was inserted to keep the toe in place. Here is what I don't understand. My doc wants to bill the "Hammertoe" code as well 28285. No where in the documentation does it state that the patient has hammertoe. So I am not sure about billing this code too. Any thoughts? I can see the insurance denying the hammertoe procedure if it's billed with the dislocation code. And I can't see billing the hammertoe diagnosis since that has never been documented.
The description for 28285 is correction ,hammertoe (eg, interphalangeal fusion, partial or total phalangectomy). In my opinion, since he performed a PIP fusion, you should be able to use this code for a dislocation or not. You may be able to use modifier 22 with a letter attached showing "greater than that usually required" work or effort was put into performing the interphalangeal fusion with the implant if the documentation shows this.