Wiki Physician Supervision


Mentor, Ohio
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I am hoping someone can help me! I am trying to find information on what the correct guidelines are for physician supervision for IV infusion therapy when done in a physicians office.

I have found a lot of different information but some places say it needs to be direct physician supervision and other places state that they only need to be here for the start of the infusion or the "initiation period" and then once they feel the patient is stable they are able to leave.

Can someone please shed some light on this subject? :confused: Thanks!!
Seems to me you would follow your Incident to or split office biiling guidelines.
It does say in CPT "Physician or other qualified health care professional work related to hydration, injection, and infusion services predominantly involoves affirmation of treatment plan and direct supervision" CPT page 543
Thank you for the information. I was under the impression it would be under the Incident To guidelines and for us to bill under the physician they would have to be in the office suite as per the rules of direct supervision. But I had received other information stating that the physician only had to be here for the "initiation" of the infusion. When I researched that it came up under the guidelines for billing in a hospital outpatient department.

I am just trying to make sure that for us to bill under the physician they would have to be in the office suite providing direct supervision otherwise we have to bill under the NP.

Thank you again for the information! I really appreciate it!
For direct supervision they would need to be in the office suite/ on the premises readily availale for decisions and anything else that may occur.
Have a good day!
In a physician office setting you are using the physician NPI as the rendering/supervising provider therefore he/she must be onsite for the entire infusion to be considered as supervising this is not the same as facility inpatient or outpatient
Thank you so much for the information. That is what I thought and that is what all of the information I found states but I just wanted to get some clarification. I really appreciate the help!!