Wiki Physician & Radiology

Brazil, IN
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Hello everyone.. We need some help !!

We have a Physician who send a PT out for Radiology,
and the Radiologist , Took the x-ray, read the x-ray and Enterperted the
x -ray.

Now the same Physician is trying to say he wants to get credit for that
X-ray. And we have tried to explain to him that he did not do the xray, he only reviewed it after it was Finished .

Does anyone know where we can find any guidlines on this or about this
on any web site?

THanks :D
M d m

The only place the ordering physician "gets credit" for the Xray is in the data points for medical decision making of the E/M service.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
We already know that.. but the Physician wants us to show it to him , in writing , or in an official Guidline book.... thanks though