Wiki physician IV coding


Canton, GA
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Is there only one initial IV infusion code used for physician infusions 96365 and 96374? The only time I know to code another initial infusion is if there are 2 sites infused such as rt arm and lt arm as sites. This is not facility coding. thanks for any help!!
ie: IV push 2 pm drug A
IV push 6pm drug A again

Do you just code 1 initial and total drugs? We cannot code 96376 (facility only code)

Without seeing the complete note, the codes appear to be correct, I think you are misunderstanding the word facility, "space or equipment necessary for doing something", "an establishment set up to fulfill a particular function or provide a particular service, typically an industrial or medical one" We are a family practice and we utilize these codes all the time if the documentation supports them. The start time and end time must be documented, 96365 is for the first hour, use 96366 for each additional hour and document 96374 for the first IV push and 96375 for the second IV push as well as the medication. Hope this helps.

Melissa Brownlow, CPC
No GAcoder is correct. The physician can report only one IV push of the same substance. The 96375 code is for a subsequent push but a different drug. If in the physician office the same substance is pushed two different times you may report only one initial push. The hospital however may report both using the 96374 and then the 96376 for two separate pushes of the same drug.