Wiki Physician asst new patient


Warren, PA
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two questions
First- if we bill a follow-up with a PA where the physician did the initial visit, incident to,what qualifying code go I use in block 17 with the physician NPI?

Second- if a Medicare NEW patient is seen by a physician assistant, what do I put in block 17 and what qualifying code do I use? Do I use the supervising dr or the physician that referred the patient to our specialist ?
If it is a follow up visit then the physician in the practice that wrote the order for the patient to return for that reason goes in field 17, with the qualifier of supervising provider, the physician that is on site at the time of the visit goes in 24J. If this is a new patient and they were referred by another provider the the provider that referred the patient goes in 17 and the PA NPI goes in field 24j. If this is a new patient then the physican in your practice cannot be the referring, ordering, or supervising provider.