Wiki Physician and PA


Worthington, OH
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I have an auditing situation that I am not sure what to do with. I have a doctor who charged an IP initial visit and his PA charged a subsequent visit on the same day. After reviewing the note, the PA actually saw the patient at the hospital and there is an attestation at the bottom from the doctor stating: " I attest that the patient was seen and examined along with the PA, via telemedicine. The history, physical exam, and treatment plan was discussed in detail. The plan is as documented above." then signed by the doctor. I am unsure how this should be charged. Any ideas about this would be very much appreciated. I don't think the doc and the PA can both charge hospital visits for this but I am not completely sure. Thanks!
I am not altogether certain this can be done via telemedicine. there are some really specific rules regarding the use of telemedicince and then you would use the telemedicine codes. there is no way for the provider to charge a visit when the provider is not face to face with the patient. And you cannot charge the IP and a subsequent on the same day. this would, it looks like, an initial visit for the PA only. possibly and only if you can find that the requirements for telemedicine are met this would be then a telemedicine visit but not both.
This definitely does not meet the requirements for telemedicine. I wasn't sure if this should be billed as an initial under the doc or the PA since he put the attestation on there technically making him the supervising physician. That's one thing that I have a little trouble remembering.. should this be billed under the doc or the PA?