Wiki Physical vs. New patient


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Is it ok to bill a physical for a patient that has never been seen in the office, and then later on bill the initial office visit code, to bill for the h&p?
Is it ok to bill a physical for a patient that has never been seen in the office, and then later on bill the initial office visit code, to bill for the h&p?

Please clarify your question. If I follow correctly, you saw the patient for the first time for a physical and used the prev med codes 99381-99387. Then later you saw the patient....where? When I see "H & P" I usually think hospital admission. If so, then new or established doesn't matter - it is an initial hospital visit. If this takes place in the office - again, is it preventative med? If so, hopefully more than a year after the first one and use 99391-99397. If it is a regular office visit - then an established patient, 99212-99215.
Is it ok to bill a physical for a patient that has never been seen in the office, and then later on bill the initial office visit code, to bill for the h&p?
For Physical visit of New patient : 99381 - 99387
For Physical visit of Est patient : 99391 - 99397
As the patient is coming for an office visit later on, then it should be Est visit : 99211 - 99215