Wiki Physical Therapy Split Visit

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I need help with this as I am not really familiar with billing for physical therapy. If the PT does a re-eval and the PTA treats on the same day how would you bill this? I thought the PT would bill for her time and then the PTA would bill for his time but Anthem is denying our claims as duplicate claims even though we are putting the CQ modifier on the PTA claim. The PT is billing 97110 for the re-eval and the PTA is bill 97110 for treatments. The PT usually bills 1 unit for spending about 10 minutes with the patient and the PTA bills 2 units for treating the patient for 30 minutes. So when we bill it looks like this. 97110 GP for the re-eval and 97110 GPCQ for the PTAs treatment. Any insight on this would be very helpful. Thanks