Wiki Physical Therapy question


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We are coding for physical therapy and have a question about it. If a patient has a fracture, we'll say hip, and has surgery for the fracture, they then come for Physical therapy outpatient. Would you code the Fracture, a late effect code, or after care code? What codes should we use?

Also, what if there is no surgery and they come to physical therapy a short amount of time after the fracture happened. Would you code a fracture with the reason that the fracture happened (say an accident) or would you code a late effect code?

Just really confused on how to code these.

For ICD-9 you code first listed the V57.1 followed by the reason for the rehab such as stiffness or muscle atrophy followed by the 905.- cod for late effect of fx.
For ICD-10 you code first the reason for the rehab followed by the acute fx code with a 7th character S followed by the code for how it happened with a 7th character S