Wiki Physical Therapy in a physicians clinic


Ocala, FL
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I have a physician who is thinking about bringing in a Physical Therapist. I would like to know from anyone who can possibly give input regarding this.

The physician would like to have the physical therapist provide the care, however we would bill under the physician's NPI number.

Can she do this, as she would be signing off on all the documentation along with the therapist?

Also, if you do have the specific rules and guidelines for this, can you please attach a link.

I have tried looking yet can not seem to find the answers I need and I have a phone conference with her tomorrow.

Any help would be so appreciated.
Is this an MD or chiro?? Also the PT would have to have his/her own NPI number and contracts with insurances. I would really look at your state's scope of PT licensure. You cannot have the MD sign the PT notes - different specialties and there are more than likely no incident to rules that will cover MD signing PT notes.

Also most PTs nowadays are DPTs. You are going to have a difficult time finding one that will agree to that arrangement. However, there are always exceptions. Especially with older generation PTs. We always had some who had wonderful experience and had not a problem teaching the young newbies the PT ropes. They dont' cover everthing in PT school! :)

Good luck to you!! Research, research.... RESEARCH!!!
This is an MD private practice who has hired a PT. She wants to bill the physical therapy under the Physicians NPI???

Just wasn't sure how this worked.
I would check with your carriers. I would bet that this is a HUGE no no. They are different specialties. I worked at a PT/OT/MT (privately owned) company in WA. All of our providers had their own NPI numbers. I knew of some chiros who owned a PT/MT practice and they had to be VERY careful about their referrals, coding and billing, etc.

I'm sure that there is a CMS law (?) about physician owned/self referral practices. Your MD needs to be very careful. Like I said before RESEARCH!!
PT place of service

For independent PT that work in a PT dept that is located in one side of an orthopeadic surgeons' office, would the place of service be billed as medical office or an outpatient PT dept?