Wiki Physical & Occupational Therapy MCR Requirements.


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I was made to understand MCR not requiring prescription for therapy services but base on certification on the plan of care I will like to know the following:
? Does Patient have any requirement to see referring Dr. during session, Plan of care indicate 5 weeks of therapy, seen twice per week?
? Does patient required to see referring Dr. to continue therapy after Plan of Care expires for New Plan of Care OR therapist can create a new Plan for Care on same Dx for Dr. certification ?
? What is the time frame if any that patient can see therapist after visit of the Dr. referring for therapy, such as patient visit Dr. on 12th Jan., but then the patient decided to hold off until 6 weeks later will this be ok for therapist to start therapy or patient need to revisit or contact referring Dr.?

Will appreciate any feed back on MCR requirment for patient therapy services.
Thank you