Wiki Physical Exam Question


Winfield, KS
Best answers
I am studying for the CEMC exam. I have noticed quite a few examples in the physical exam stating:

Lymphatic: no lymphadenopathy OR
Lymph nodes: no significant peripheral adenopathy

In the examination guidelines it states lymphatic must document the palpation of lymph nodes in two or more areas.

The physical exam note is confusing me, because the examples are noting them as a system reviewed, but it is not noting what 2 areas they are reviewing.

Can someone clear this up for me?

Thanks in advance
95 or 97?

When you state that the exam guidelines state this requirement of two or more areas - are you using 1995 or 1997? I have not seen that requirement for 1995 - only that the results of this system exam are documented.
I just realized I was trying to go off 97, but using the 95. My audit sheet has both on the same page. I got confused.
