Wiki Physical Exam for a cardiologist

Pasco, WA
Best answers
Hello I was hopeing someone could clear something up for me I am coding for a cardiologist and in his physical exam he puts only Chest , Cardiovascular I have been told you cant count both of those when using the 1995 guidelines? But one is a body system and one is a body area... I cannot find anywhere in the guidelines where it states I cannot count those separately. Thanks.
I don't quite understand your question, however, your MAC should have guidance on what can be counted for a cardiovascular physical exam. Novitas-Solutions (MAC for Texas and 5 other states) has a handy worksheet for guidance on the cardiovascular exam. I would suggest to look through your local MAC's website.

I have attached a copy from Novitas-Solutions for guidance, but if you are not within the jurisdiction you will need to look at your MAC's website

hope this helps



  • Physical Exam score sheet.pdf
    16.3 KB · Views: 7