
Colorado Springs, CO
Best answers
Would you count N/A as a valid response for any PFSHx element??
But more for the Family hx..
For example...
All PFSHx is obtained on a form to be completed by the patient...
The patient fills everything out regarding past and social but writes N/A in the box for Family Hx...
If this were a New Patient would you give credit for a complete PFSHx?
Or would you give credit for a "pertinent"?

Thanks in advance for replies or advise...
Would you count N/A as a valid response for any PFSHx element??
But more for the Family hx..
For example...
All PFSHx is obtained on a form to be completed by the patient...
The patient fills everything out regarding past and social but writes N/A in the box for Family Hx...
If this were a New Patient would you give credit for a complete PFSHx?
Or would you give credit for a "pertinent"?

Thanks in advance for replies or advise...

I would allow NA if it were in the patient's own hand-writing. When the provider references the sheet the patient filled out in his note (to obtain credit for that component), it should show proof of why the patient put NA in that spot (ie: patient was adopted). I would not allow the slot to be left blank under any circumstances. The patient could have overlooked the area on the form and by the provider not asking, he should not receive full credit for PFSH.
However for NA to count as a variable the provider would need to acknowledge that the pat was adopted, otherwise there needs to be a provider statement that the patients family history is negative for any contributing factors.