Wiki Pfsh


Peoria, AZ
Best answers
I have read that it is ok not to update PFSH if a previous provider in the practice has reviewed and updated it. My question is are there time frames associated with that? For example, if a patient came in Jun 2011 and the provider updated and reviewed the PFSH, would the provider who sees them in October still be able to not update PFSH, using the previous provider update in June?:eek:
Are you trying to count that the provider reviewed the PFSH? If you are trying to count that as part of your visit, your provider will need to initial/sign that the information was reviewed and updated.
If they are in the same practice and are using one form they can use that form with showing that they reviewed it (initialing/signing and noting in the document the date of when that form was done) and it needs to be updated annually by the patient.
Since this is an established patient and you only require 2 of 3 key components, I inform providers they should be looking at Exam and MDM unless there has been a significant change in the Hx.