Wiki PFSH in an EMR


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Can anyone provide information regarding the PFSH in an EMR when it is located as a hyperlink of the visit note? The PFSH is not brought forward into the note (or addressed) but if you click the hyperlink - you can see the PFSH. If you print the note - you would have to print the PFSH separately. Thank you in advance.
the provider must bring it forward and reference it, being able to look at it via a hyper link is not sufficient. There is no way to know if the provider queried the patient regarding any recent changes in their history. The fact that it does not print with the encounter is proof enough that the information was not part of the encounter.
We use Athena EMR, and if the provider doesn't physically click into the history section, it doesn't show that it was reviewed at that visit - it will say something like "Not Reviewed (Last reviewed 01/01/2016)". I would guess they have to manually do something to show that they reviewed it.