Wiki PEX vs Spirometry coding


West Palm Beach, FL
Best answers
I normally only do GI coding but while covering for one of the girls who does coding for one of our Internal Medicine physicians; I came across a coding senerio that I am unsure of.
This phyician brought a patient in for a routine PEX 99395 and during the visit the patient presented with allergies. The physician evaluated and treated the patient for the allergies and billed a 99213 (mod 25) along w/ 94010 (spirometry). The E/M and Spirometry both got paid but the PEX is being DENIED and inclusive unless billed w/ another modifier.

Does anyone have any suggestions of the correct coding for a situation like this - along w/ any modifier that may need to be used? or should the doctor be bringing the patient back on another day for the spirometry?

alittle confused :confused: