Wiki Pessary Removal


Fond Du Lac, WI
Best answers
I have a patient who came in for her yearly physicial and her pessary was removed. Is the removal part of the preventative or bill a seperate E&M? or is there a code for removal of a pessary? This is a Medicare patient.


Alicia, CPC

Did you ever get an answer to this? I am trying to find how to bill for pessary fittings, how many times you can bill, if you can bill each time they are fitted or bill the first fitting then just exam the other times.....if you happen to know the answer will you call me or email me at thanks
Jessica Cates, CPC
According to Ob-Gyn coding alert, you can report the removal code along with the G0101 and Q0091 for the pelvic, breast exam and pap.
Pessary supply

For Medicare patients do either of you know if when the patient is here for lets say a 99213 and they discuss the option of doing a pessary and the patient decides yes I wanna do it....can you bill for that visit the 99213 then the supply code A4562 so that way the patient knows okay ive been charged for this i need to come get it or schedule the fitting...sometimes we end up with the supplies and the patient changes there mind....we looked into giving the patient a script but there is really no where here they can easily order or get a pessary....
If patient comes in for irrigation of the vagina and pessary is cleaned and put back in, do we charge the E&M and the 57150 or just the E&M?
According to ACOG, if a patient comes in for removal, cleansing and reinsertion you bill the appropriate E&M level. The only way you can bill 57160 would be if a NEW pessary was inserted.