Wiki Pessary Change


Chanute, KS
Best answers
What's the most appropriate way to capture this type of srv? The patient comes in w/ no complaints. The pessary is removed, cleaned and replaced. She's to come back in 6wks for reck. What's the DX and what procedure can I charge for this?
was the vagina irrigated or was the pessary just cleaned?

If the vagina was irrigate, you would use 57150. No e/m code if that is all that was done with no complaints/problems or review of medical history,

If no irrigation was done, you would bill the appropriate e/m level ---depending on her medical history, etc.

The dx would depend on her reason for the pessary - stress incont, prolapse, etc
S: The patient is here for pessary change.

O: The pessary was removed, cleansed, and replaced without difficulty.
No problems noted. No discharge. No urinary tract infection symptoms.

A: Pessary change.

P: Return to clinic in six weeks for recheck.

This was the note that I rec'd, nothing more!