Wiki pertinent vs. extended ROS


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Apologies if this question has already been asked...

According to the '95 guidelines, pertinent ROS is one system, extended is more than one...

but with "Constitution" as a system, it seems there would always be more than one system. The MA takes your vitals and you talk to the doc about your issue.

I know I'm misinterpreting something! :eek:

Thanks in advance.
Vital signs are an objective finding that is normally counted is part of the physical exam (constitutional.) The ROS is subjective, it is info that comes from the patient. I wouldn't count the vitals as part of the ROS.
Yes, I can see that now.

A constitutional ROS might be if the doctor asked, "have you been feeling fatigued?" or "have you noticed any sudden changes in your weight?"

Thanks for the great insight! Much appreciated. :)