Wiki personal history ICD-10


Monroe, NY
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is there a time frame for when a condition can be coded as history of? for example: patient follows up with primary care 7 days after being treated in ER for cellulitis. the condition is now resolved. do i code Z09, Z87.2?
is there a time frame for when a condition can be coded as history of? for example: patient follows up with primary care 7 days after being treated in ER for cellulitis. the condition is now resolved. do i code Z09, Z87.2?
There is no specified time frame for what constitutes a resolved condition. The documentation supporting that the condition is resolved is sufficient and your codes are correct per the instructions under ICD-10-CM Z09.
It's important for you to understand the clinical condition for time frames in certain situations. It's also just as important to work with your provider on the documentation. Some providers document "history of" meaning the patient has it, you would just want to make sure how your provider documents and query when necessary.