Wiki peripherals 36247 & 75716


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The pt. was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. An ultrasound catheter was used to visualize the right common femoral artery. the artery appeared to be patent and pulsatile with some moderate calcification. It was greater than 2mm in diameter. with ultrasound guidance, direct arterial puncture was performed followed by insertion of the % French sheath. A 5 French UF catheter was then advanced into the abdominal aorta and abdominal aortogram ws performed with digital subtraction. The catheter was pulled down to the distal abdominal aorta and distal abdominal aortography was performed. Ultimately a power injection was performed with the power injector to better visualize the iliac vessels in the LAO and RAO projections. The UF cathter was then advanced over a Glidewire into the contralateral (distal external iliac artery) and left lower extremity angiography was performed with digital subtraction. An exchange length guidewire was then taken and advanced into the left mid superficial femoral artery and the catheter was exchanged for a short end hole straight guide catheter, 4 French. Angiography was performed with the catheter positioned in the left early superficial femoral artery to better visualize the superficial femoral artery stenosis. There was poor visualization of the inferior popliteal vessel due to poor filling of collaterals from the profunda with the catheter in the mid superficial femoral artery position. At this point, this same catheter was used to perform a pullback gradient from the superficial femoral artery across the common femoral artery. It was used to perform a pullback gradient accross the proximal common femoral artery stenosis as well as across the left common iliac artery stenosis. The catheter was then also used to perform a pullback gradient across the right external iliac artery stenosis. The glide catheter was also used to perform angiographyfrom the right commom femoral artery position to better visualize the right iliac system and more specifically the right external iliac arteries and common femor artery. Subsequently, right lower extremity angiogram was performed via injection through a 5 French right common femoral artery sheath with digital subtraction. The pt. tolerated the procedure w/o incident.

so my code would be
75716 26 59
Is that correct? Thanks in advance
The pt. was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. An ultrasound catheter was used to visualize the right common femoral artery. the artery appeared to be patent and pulsatile with some moderate calcification. It was greater than 2mm in diameter. with ultrasound guidance, direct arterial puncture was performed followed by insertion of the % French sheath. A 5 French UF catheter was then advanced into the abdominal aorta and abdominal aortogram ws performed with digital subtraction. The catheter was pulled down to the distal abdominal aorta and distal abdominal aortography was performed. Ultimately a power injection was performed with the power injector to better visualize the iliac vessels in the LAO and RAO projections. The UF cathter was then advanced over a Glidewire into the contralateral (distal external iliac artery) and left lower extremity angiography was performed with digital subtraction. An exchange length guidewire was then taken and advanced into the left mid superficial femoral artery and the catheter was exchanged for a short end hole straight guide catheter, 4 French. Angiography was performed with the catheter positioned in the left early superficial femoral artery to better visualize the superficial femoral artery stenosis. There was poor visualization of the inferior popliteal vessel due to poor filling of collaterals from the profunda with the catheter in the mid superficial femoral artery position. At this point, this same catheter was used to perform a pullback gradient from the superficial femoral artery across the common femoral artery. It was used to perform a pullback gradient accross the proximal common femoral artery stenosis as well as across the left common iliac artery stenosis. The catheter was then also used to perform a pullback gradient across the right external iliac artery stenosis. The glide catheter was also used to perform angiographyfrom the right commom femoral artery position to better visualize the right iliac system and more specifically the right external iliac arteries and common femor artery. Subsequently, right lower extremity angiogram was performed via injection through a 5 French right common femoral artery sheath with digital subtraction. The pt. tolerated the procedure w/o incident.

so my code would be
75716 26 59
Is that correct? Thanks in advance

With what you have, yes the codes look good. But if there were any mention of the abdominal aorta and it branches (renals, visceral branches) then you can also bill 75625 - abdominal aortogram.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC
Great! thank you Jim
With what you have, yes the codes look good. But if there were any mention of the abdominal aorta and it branches (renals, visceral branches) then you can also bill 75625 - abdominal aortogram.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC