Wiki Peripheral followed by Thrombolysis


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MD did angioplasty of the posterior tibial artery. Significant spasm & concern for thrombus followed, so AngioJet thrombectomy of entire length of posterior tibial and peroneal was performed. Due to sluggish flow, thrombolysis was intiated.

37186 & 37211 hit an edit. Is a modifier appropriate in this case, or can't the thrombectomy be billed??

TIA, again!
C. Wright, CPC
peripheral followed by thrombolysis

37211 is an arterial infusion for thrombolysis which is included in the angiojet thrombectomy code 37186 so you cannot use these together. Are you also billing the 37228posterior tib angioplasty?
Yes, I billed the 37228. I found a reference from SVS 2013 Coding Guide that says arterial mechanical thrombectomy before or after thrombolysis infusion is Not Included and is separately reportable. Hmm