Wiki Perforator Vein closure


Local Chapter Officer
Newport, ME
Best answers
One of my docs does vericose veins and he closed a perforator with RF Probe.

"The patient was transferred to the procedure suite and the insufficient saphenous vein was mapped and diagrammed on the overlying skin. The varicose tributary veins and suitable access sites were indentified and mapped as well. The patient was then positioned supine on the procedure table. The entire limb was sterilely prepared and the lower extremity and treatment table were sterilely draped. 1% plain lidocaine was used to infiltrate the skin and subcutaneous tissue. A small incision with #11 blade was made. Under ultrasound guidance the device was placed into the incompetent perforator more than 0.5 cm from the deep system. The area was infiltrated with tumescent solution. Radiofrequency energy was then applied and the perforator was closed per protocol. Postoperative evaluation with ultrasound revealed occlusion of the perforator with no flow and adequate flow in the deep system. After assuring hemostasis, the skin incision was closed with a bandage and a compression wrap and/or graduated compression stocking was applied from the level of the foot to the most proximal level of the thigh."

He applied CPT 37761 to the procedure. The perforator was not taken out only closed, so would the RF Ablation CPT 36475 be more appropriate?
