Wiki Percutaneous transluminal angiplasty and stenting


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I am confused when coding for stent placements. I have used 37205 for the initial stent placement and 37206 for the second, however, the patient had a total of 4 stents. What is the correct way to code the remaining two stents? These are (1) percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stenting of the proximal right superficial femoral artery (2) of the mid right superficial femoral artery (3) of the distal right superficial femoral artery and (4) of the proximal right popliteal artery. The first three using a bare metal stent and the fourth a balloon expandable stent.
Endovascular Revascularization

Thank you for your response!!! I had picked up the wrong CPT coding manual and it is self explanatory in 2011. Thanks