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Tuscaloosa, AL
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Access was gained front he right femoral artery. A 5F sheath was placed. Using a RIM catheter and an 0.035" GWA wire, went up to the aortic bifurcation and performed an angiogram through the RIM catheter. Crossed to the left side and exchanged the RIM to a 135 cm Navicross catheter. Through this catheter at the left proximal SGA level, performed angiograms with distal runoff on the left side. Pulled the Navicross catheter out. Through the short 5F sheath on the right side, performed angiograms at the CFA level with distal runoff ont eh right side. Performed angiogram of the right common femoral artery and deployed a Mynx closure device.

I came up with
Access was gained front he right femoral artery. A 5F sheath was placed. Using a RIM catheter and an 0.035" GWA wire, went up to the aortic bifurcation and performed an angiogram through the RIM catheter. Crossed to the left side and exchanged the RIM to a 135 cm Navicross catheter. Through this catheter at the left proximal SGA level, performed angiograms with distal runoff on the left side. Pulled the Navicross catheter out. Through the short 5F sheath on the right side, performed angiograms at the CFA level with distal runoff ont eh right side. Performed angiogram of the right common femoral artery and deployed a Mynx closure device.

I came up with

I would code 36247 for the left femoral selective, and 75716 for the bilateral lower extremity arteriogram. No 75625 as the catheter was not documented to be placed at the renal bifurcaion, and no 36140 as that is only access in the extremity that side extremity for imaging.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC