Wiki peg tube replacement


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I have a patient that had a peg tube replacement as the one he had is malfunctioning. The following is the report if I could please get help with a dx code for this.

Mr. x is a 64 year old gentleman who has had a cva, following which he has left sided weakness and dysphagia. The PEG tube was used for feeding but the PEG tube was not functioning well. Therefore< I was asked to replace it. We tried to remove the PEG tube and have a replacement PEG tube placed in but despite considerable effort, the PEG tube mushroom was not coming out. Therefore, endoscopy was performed to make sure that it was safe to remove the PEG tube.

the Impression:1) Periantral erosions
2) status post remova of the indwelling PEG tube followed by placement of a 20 French replacement tube.

POST OP DX: Periantrail erosions with malfunctioning PEG.

Thanks for your input in advance.