Wiki Pediatric PT/OT and Speech therapy billing question


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Hello! I work for a pediatric PT/OT and ST office. We are hearing through other sources that there is a way to bill for documentation time.

For OT and PT we are wondering if these practices are billing for 4 units of 97530, seeing the kiddo for 45 minutes (3 units) and billing the extra unit for the documentation time. If thats the case, does anyone know if the child has to be with the therapist for that extra 15 minutes?

And for ST the 92507 is being used and the therapist sees the child for 45 minutes, but we bill for 1 unit therefore could we bill for 2 if we did for an hour and still use the last 15 minutes to document, again would the child have to be present in the treatment room in order to bill for 2 units of the 92507?

Most of our kids have severe disabilities and the therapist would not feel comfortable leaving the child "on their own" while they do their documentation. Or is therfe a seperate code that could be used for doc time that anyone is aware of?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!
For OT/PT 97530 is timed based so as long as the they are see the patient for more than 8 minutes you can add another unit

For 92507 is not times so it would be for one unit