Wiki Pediatric coder in need of help!!


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Hey guys i have a senario that i need help with. We are a medicaid provider and sometimes we see patients who need referral to a specialist. This pt. Has pe tubes and has come in to get a referral for ear plugs. Can our dr. Charge for this visit and if so what icd9 code should i use. I found v68.81 but not sure if thats right. Thanks for any help.
Did you actually see/examine the patient?

If your doctor actually saw and examined the patient to determine that a referral to a specialist was needed then you will code the documented E/M service.

If all you are talking about is making the call / email / fax etc to process the referral, then No, you cannot charge for that.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC