Wiki Pectoralis Major Tendon Repair 23412 vs 24341

Local Chapter Officer
Stafford, VA
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I have a physician who is adamant that a pectoralis major tendon repair would be coded using 23412 (Repair of ruptured musculocutaneous cuff open; chronic) as opposed to 24341 (Repair, tendon or muscle, upper arm or elbow, each tendon or muscle, primary or secondary) because it is a tendon repair (does not have to be just a rotator cuff tendon repair). Based on the CPT lay description for 24341 (The physician repairs one of the muscles or tendons in the upper arm or elbow, not including those of the rotator cuff), seems to align with the procedure performed.

A modified deltopectoral incision was made in the axillary fold. Dissection is carried down to the cephalic vein and the deltopectoral interval. The clavicular head was intact. Dissecting inferiorly and medially the sternal head was then identified. There was of synovial pocket with synovial fluid which was removed. The synovial tissue was then removed sharply off the pectoralis major tendon. An Allis clamp was then used to help mobilize the tendon and the tedious post posteriorly and anteriorly were released both bluntly with a finger as well as with the cautery. Once I had mobilized the sternal head of the pectoralis major tendon, the insertion site on the humeral shaft was prepared. Just lateral to the long head of the biceps I used osteotome to roughen up the cortex. Three drill holes were then placed and a slightly staggered manner. Using the Arthrex pectoralis major and the button kit. Three fiber tapes were placed through the pectoralis major tendon from superior to inferior using a locking Krackow stitch. I then placed 1 suture limb through the Endobutton and then placed the Endobutton into the humeral shaft and made sure that the Endobutton had fully deployed within the humeral shaft. This step was repeated 2 more times using the remaining 2 sutures. I then proceeded to tension the sutures to bring the pectoralis major tendon back to its donor site just lateral to the long head of the biceps. Once I had fully tension the sutures these were then tied starting from inferior and progressing superiorly. The fiber loops were then cut using a 15 blade.

I'd like to know what procedure codes other coders use for a pectoralis major tendon repair for this scenario? Any references is greatly appreciated!

Orthopedic Coding Alert​

Reader Question:

How to Report the Proper Pectoralis Code​

Published on Mon Mar 21, 2016
Question: Which CPT® code should I report for a torn pectoralis major muscle repair?
South Dakota Subscriber
Answer: Although many coders use an unlisted musculoskeletal surgery code, you have a more specific option: 24341 (Repair, tendon or muscle, upper arm or elbow, each tendon or muscle, primary or secondary [excludes rotator cuff]).
Experts recommend 24341 because the pectoralis major attaches to the humerus.
It's 24341. 23412 requires one of these: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis. Your claim would deny for multiple reasons but the main one would be the diagnosis would not be correct. Further the CPT literally states musculotendinous cuff. In coding, that means rotator cuff. Would 23412 make more sense? Yes, if it was not specifically rotator cuff. But, you can't report that for pec.
I don't have access right now but check CPT Assistant, there may be reference to it in May 2023 (not sure,I can't see the whole thing).
Not necessarily "official" but:
Example from a bundled payment company of what the code is for it: