Wiki PE Bullets 1995


True Blue
Lithonia, GA
Best answers
I usually count 2 points under exam for eyes and ears, nose, throat, mouth. My question is being that there is no mention of ears nor throat in the PE example below can I still count the points? Does there need to be a mention of ears, nose, throat and mouth to get credit or 1 mention of any of the 4? See PE statement below.

HEENT: Sclerae non-icteric. Pupils are equal, round, react to light. Mouth is without lesions
To give credit for ENT organ system (ears, nose, throat), an exam documented for one of the three body areas is required to meet 95 DG guidelines.

The eyes are a separate organ system by 95 DG guidelines. You would be correct to give credit for two organ systems for that statement.
There is nothing wrong with that statement, since there are findings of the eyes and the mouth. Here, I'll break down some varations and how I would score them:

-2 points (Eyes, and ENMT)
*HEENT: Sclerae non-icteric. Pupils are equal, round, react to light. Mouth is without lesions
*HEENT: Normal
*HEENT: PERRLA, TM's normal

-1 point: (Eyes)
*HEENT: Sclerae non-icteric. Pupils are equal, round, react to light.

-1 point: (ENMT)
*HEENT: Tongue midline. TM's normal. Mouth is without lesions

Notice how on the ones where I give credit for 2, either they list findings unique to each one, or else they state normal? For the ones where the findings are only unique to 1 system, only credit for 1 system is given.

My advice: Have your provider break out HEENT into Eyes, and ENMT.... it will make things MUCH easier.