Wiki PCS - when to code?

Randleman, NC
Best answers
Forgive me if this is in the wrong place. I currently hold a CPC and COC. I'm currently studying for my CIC by my employers request, and keep getting stuck on an unanswered question.
With PCS, when going through an EMR and there is no other procedures other than radiology performed, when do we code the radiology procedures performed? All of the practice questions i have done (and practicode) are marking me wrong when I code the CT's, Ultrasounds and other radiological procedures, regardless of when they are performed (both before and after admission.) Thanks for any clarification/help
You would code ICD-10-PCS only with inpatient facility services, billed out on the UB, and used to calculate the DRG.

You'll need to check with your hospital, but generally radiology charges, physical therapy, diagnostic testing, etc., come in through the CDM (Chargemaster) for inpatient services. The professional services are still coded with CPT and billed out on the 1500.