Wiki Payors automatically downcoding ER levels


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Has anyone experienced payors that are automatically downgrading ER levels? Specifically Levels 4 and 5 downgrading to 2 and 3.

Most have enough documentation to meet the criteria for level 4 or 5. Is that enough to appeal this decision or does the diagnosis code factor into the level as well?
I have heard that CMS states that the dx code can dictate the level...if this is accurate does anyone have a link or documentation on this from CMS?

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you!

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Hello Sochrissy,

Some payors have their systems setup to automatically down code E/M visits including ER based on the diagnosis code (s) alone. If the documentation supports the ER level 4 (detailed history, detailed exam and moderate MDM) & ER level 5 (comprehensive history, comprehensive exam, high MDM) then I would recommend sending in an appeal along with the supporting documentation to be reimbursed appropriately. Sorry, but I do not have any links or information from CMS. I suppose by what they are saying they are looking more at the medical necessity of the visit for example a patient seen in ER for an ankle sprain with no chronic conditions probably would not be supportive of level 5 billing where as a patient in the ER for a myocardial infarction with other chronic conditions such as HTN or DMI would probably support level 5 billing based on diagnosis/medical necessity of the visit.

Hope this helps :)

M.Hannus, CPC, CPMA, CRC
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Thank you for your response! Exactly, the payors that have systems set up to automatically downgrade based on the dx code.

For example, a claim has enough information documented to meet all requirements for 99284 but the diagnosis code is Dermatits and rash. So I am trying to understand if it's correct for payors to use the diagnosis as the overall determination even if the documentation meets CPT requirements for 99284?
Thank you for your response! Exactly, the payors that have systems set up to automatically downgrade based on the dx code.

For example, a claim has enough information documented to meet all requirements for 99284 but the diagnosis code is Dermatits and rash. So I am trying to understand if it's correct for payors to use the diagnosis as the overall determination even if the documentation meets CPT requirements for 99284?

I would assume it is a cost savings for the payor to down code and have the provider appeal rather than pay for higher level e/m services unnecessarily.