Wiki Patient refuses Chemo drug


Sumter, SC
Best answers
:confused: Here is the situation.
Our doctor ordered a patient to have a chemo drug given, the drug was then mixed and the nurse was going to administer it to the patient, but then the patient refused the drug. Can we still bill for the drug that we had to waste?

Does anyone have any documentation on this that I could have? Its always best to have things in writting. Thanks.
I am not sure, but check CMS' website for modifier JW usage. I know we can bill for unused Botox but that's what's leftover after our patient receives it-I don't know about when the patient refuses the injection altogether. Hope this helps!

Kristina, CPC, CANPC
Unfortunately, you cannot bill this to her insurance/Medicare. You CAN bill it to the patient, and that it what you should do!
We have had this issue come up a couple times. :mad: