Wiki patient problems


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quick question how do you know when do you have a new patient problem, for example if i have an establish patient and he comes in for fever i have never seen him for fever is that a new problem? for the problem points and when would it be self limiting or minor?
If the pt is/has not being treated by your doc for this problem, then it is a new problem.

The nature of the problem defines if it is self-limiting, minor, etc..... A sore throat or fever would be self-limiting. A new presentation of tachycardia or diabetes symptoms would not.
Thank you, my confusion is that in the table of the points for problems self limited is in the same list as new problem with and without workup, I know fever for example it could be a self limited condition but not necessary minor ( because of all the differential diagnosis ), another thing do I choose based on my chief complain or diagnosis?
If the pt is/has not being treated by your doc for this problem, then it is a new problem.

The nature of the problem defines if it is self-limiting, minor, etc..... A sore throat or fever would be self-limiting. A new presentation of tachycardia or diabetes symptoms would not.
Thank you, my confusion is that in the table of the points for problems self limited is in the same list as new problem with and without workup, I know fever for example it could be a self limited condition but not necessary minor ( because of all the differential diagnosis ), another thing do I choose based on my chief complain or diagnosis?