Wiki Pathology Tracking


Keizer, OR
Best answers
I have a provider that believes there is a law/rule from the Dept of Health (or CMS, AAD, AMA, etc.) that states an EMR or EHR system "must have the ability to track pathology reports" i.e. Name of pt, date of test, lab results recvd, person that reviewed, etc.

Previous Derm offices that I have worked for have used an excel spreadsheet, noting all bx's and excisions performed with the results as a way to track scheduling an appt for follow up and to track those that came back as malignant, the EMR was not able to track anything except scanned images of the path reports.

I was wondering if anyone knows of this as being an "official" rule, or if it's just a recommendation to track in EMR? We are wanting to submit a request to our EMR to add this function, however, we need to show proof that this in fact is an official rule (b/c they hadn't heard of it).

Thanks so much,
Mallory, CPC, CPCD