Wiki Pathology Ideas for Future Virtual Pathology Webinar


True Blue
Brainerd, MN
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Hi Good Evening Pathology Colleagues,

Tonight, I had the sincere opportunity to present my "101 to Cytology" presentation hybrid style and had such a wonderful time. A personal thank you to all those that could join the presentation this evening ~ it is very much appreciated.
With 2023 on the horizon and with our AAPC Chapters planning their upcoming events, I'd like to be proactive and maybe "pick your brains" to find out what type of future presentation(s) I could be planning to share please?
I also have a few other questions too. Is a 1.5-hour meeting like this evening appropriate, or is that considered too long or to short, and why? Is it better to do it as a "hands on training" where coders have a small allotment of time to locate CPT and ICD assignment or would it be more appropriate to just place the information in slides and just present and explain? Tonight's presentation was simply a spin off from a surgical hands-on pathology coding 101 presentation I did "in house" for our local AAPC chapter two years ago. So, I am really unsure if that was the correct way to go or not?
Some of the ideas I had driving home this evening after the presentation was possibly doing another surgical pathology presentation - but that is so broad. If there are areas that need help with coding (examples: renal biopsies, breast biopsies, dermatology biopsies), so forth? I also have the when to "bundle" or possibly "unbundle" specimen presentation in mind, but time would be a factor on this type of presentation.
Again, I do appreciate any insight and appreciate any feedback.

Thank you in advance and have a wonderful evening,
Hi Good Evening Pathology Colleagues,

Tonight, I had the sincere opportunity to present my "101 to Cytology" presentation hybrid style and had such a wonderful time. A personal thank you to all those that could join the presentation this evening ~ it is very much appreciated.
With 2023 on the horizon and with our AAPC Chapters planning their upcoming events, I'd like to be proactive and maybe "pick your brains" to find out what type of future presentation(s) I could be planning to share please?
I also have a few other questions too. Is a 1.5-hour meeting like this evening appropriate, or is that considered too long or to short, and why? Is it better to do it as a "hands on training" where coders have a small allotment of time to locate CPT and ICD assignment or would it be more appropriate to just place the information in slides and just present and explain? Tonight's presentation was simply a spin off from a surgical hands-on pathology coding 101 presentation I did "in house" for our local AAPC chapter two years ago. So, I am really unsure if that was the correct way to go or not?
Some of the ideas I had driving home this evening after the presentation was possibly doing another surgical pathology presentation - but that is so broad. If there are areas that need help with coding (examples: renal biopsies, breast biopsies, dermatology biopsies), so forth? I also have the when to "bundle" or possibly "unbundle" specimen presentation in mind, but time would be a factor on this type of presentation.
Again, I do appreciate any insight and appreciate any feedback.

Thank you in advance and have a wonderful evening,
Hi Dana!
I've been meaning to send you a thank you and a big congratulations on your presentation last week! This was hands down the best "pathology" related coding content that I have ever attended!

I will make it a point to attend any of your future presentations. I liked the format that you used for "101 Cytology". Presenting the cases as real world (albeit with Muppet themed providers and patients) scenarios prompted many questions - some unrelated to the cytology presentation. You have a lovely way of instructing and incorporating all of the aspects of coding.

I would appreciate any information that you're willing to share, but I've included some ideas below.
I would love to see a presentation on diagnostic coding for pathology laboratories (Section IV) and how it differs from inpatient or other outpatient coding.
I would also be interested in a neoplasm presentation, a molecular presentation, and/or a flow cytometry presentation.

Thank you again for all of your efforts and professionalism in advancing the industry of Pathology coding and for your advocation for coders! You set the bar high, but also inspire me to be a better coder.

Laurie Easton, CPC, CPB

P.S. I have not yet received your accompanying slides from "101 Cytology", but I would be so grateful to be able to review them and share with the team.
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Hi Dana!
I've been meaning to send you a thank you and a big congratulations on your presentation last week! This was hands down the best "pathology" related coding content that I have ever attended!

I will make it a point to attend any of your future presentations. I liked the format that you used for "101 Cytology". Presenting the cases as real world (albeit with Muppet themed providers and patients) scenarios prompted many questions - some unrelated to the cytology presentation. You have a lovely way of instructing and incorporating all of the aspects of coding.

I would appreciate any information that you're willing to share, but I've included some ideas below.
I would love to see a presentation on diagnostic coding for pathology laboratories (Section IV) and how it differs from inpatient or other outpatient coding.
I would also be interested in a neoplasm presentation, a molecular presentation, and/or a flow cytometry presentation.

Thank you again for all of your efforts and professionalism in advancing the industry of Pathology coding and for your advocation for coders! You set the bar high, but also inspire me to be a better coder.

Laurie Easton, CPC, CPB

P.S. I have not yet received your accompanying slides from "101 Cytology", but I would be so grateful to be able to review them and share with the team.
Hi LaurieAnn22,
Thank you for such kind words. I do apologize for lack of experience presenting my slide show and am so pleased our local Chapter President was on site and was able to assist me that evening. You have provided great ideas for future presentations; many thank you(s).
I do apologize for my delay in sending the slides with the additional questions from the presentation, I did send that in very late yesterday evening after exhaustive search for "solid" references in my office for a few days reviewing everything I have on hand (manuals, presentations, webinars, the works). I am hopeful my additional slides beyond the presentation explains this in detail and am hopeful you received the webinar slides by now. If not ~ please do not be afraid to state so and PM me on AAPC please.
I did want to add a little tidbit to this Muppet presentation. No kidding, I had already had my presentation ready for a few weeks but after a company gathering along with new discovery; they (clearly my team, looking out for the best interest of everyone stated a few things that I will share) like two days prior so I know I messed up on one slide making the Sesame Street Muppet both a patient and the doctor for the same case and I do apologize.
This is what I know and wanted to share -
When you share the report - it shouldn't look like a real report (hard for me to do when I want to share with my pathology colleagues what to be looking for).
DON'T USE COMMON NAMES - like John Anderson, John Johnson, John Black - you don't want to even depict an actual patient (be horribly and clearly fictious)
Make it obnoxious ~ I clearly am not a pathologist, so I used completely fictious amounts of fluid obtained from the top of my head to create scenarios. I bet if I brought my presentation to a pathologist to review, they would be chuckling with the ML versus CC or otherwise.
If you need to state location - you create a place such as North Pole with imaginary address
If you need to create a healthcare facility - name it from the three things you instantly see (oven, coffee pot, and microwave)
As I stated in my presentation this is a training exercise, cases created off the top of my head.
I'm hopeful my extended response helps,
Again, thank you for attending. I am so excited to present. I know I am not great at it and am uncomfortable, but this is my passion and sole specialty and if I can clearly help someone, I am all over it. Let me do some research please.
Have a great evening and thank you for listening,
Oh my gosh... no need to apologize about anything! I found your presentation to be professional and informative.
Even in your response (in this thread above), I've learned about sharing/preparing "reports" for learning purposes and training exercises.
You're a credit to this profession, Dana! And you inspire me to be a better coder.

Again, please know I extend my gratitude!

P.S. In my original response I should have worded "albeit" differently. LOL! I thoroughly enjoyed the "Muppet" references! It added a lightheartedness to the training.
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Hi LaurieAnn22,
I clearly hear your request and just forwarded to both your emails, containing both our chapter's notes along with my presentation. Would you do me a favor and please be sure you received credit on the AAPC website especially if you did not receive the slides okay.
I again so do appreciate your responses and will present another presentation. (To be determined)
Thank you again, and have a great evening,
Hi LaurieAnn22,
I clearly hear your request and just forwarded to both your emails, containing both our chapter's notes along with my presentation. Would you do me a favor and please be sure you received credit on the AAPC website especially if you did not receive the slides okay.
I again so do appreciate your responses and will present another presentation. (To be determined)
Thank you again, and have a great evening,
Thank you, Dana!
Hi Good Evening Pathology Colleagues,

Tonight, I had the sincere opportunity to present my "101 to Cytology" presentation hybrid style and had such a wonderful time. A personal thank you to all those that could join the presentation this evening ~ it is very much appreciated.
With 2023 on the horizon and with our AAPC Chapters planning their upcoming events, I'd like to be proactive and maybe "pick your brains" to find out what type of future presentation(s) I could be planning to share please?
I also have a few other questions too. Is a 1.5-hour meeting like this evening appropriate, or is that considered too long or to short, and why? Is it better to do it as a "hands on training" where coders have a small allotment of time to locate CPT and ICD assignment or would it be more appropriate to just place the information in slides and just present and explain? Tonight's presentation was simply a spin off from a surgical hands-on pathology coding 101 presentation I did "in house" for our local AAPC chapter two years ago. So, I am really unsure if that was the correct way to go or not?
Some of the ideas I had driving home this evening after the presentation was possibly doing another surgical pathology presentation - but that is so broad. If there are areas that need help with coding (examples: renal biopsies, breast biopsies, dermatology biopsies), so forth? I also have the when to "bundle" or possibly "unbundle" specimen presentation in mind, but time would be a factor on this type of presentation.
Again, I do appreciate any insight and appreciate any feedback.

Thank you in advance and have a wonderful evening,
I really hate I missed this! Pathology info is super hard to come by. I would enjoy hearing/learning on any Path topic. Thanks again for doing this and I look forward to participating next time :)
Hi, I have recently received intel from the pathologists that I tend their denials for that there is a gap of what is billable or not billable. I cannot give the specifics, but was hopeful to have a conference call with my pathologists on what is billable from the specimen bucket received to appropriately assign CPTs for those RVU's deserved to them and was hopeful to turn around and use the same concept to share with the pathology coders on what to be looking for and when to query or not or just be RASH and change a 88305 to 88307 for neoplastic process in a ovary provided with a hysterectomy and just be kind to send a quick email (or whatever process your facility is doing so they know ALONG WITH THE PROOF ON WHY YOU CHANGED IT). Be kind, not every healthcare facility has pathology resources. Some do not know that things were unbundled due to neoplastic process or you could bill a 88309 or 88307 for omentectomy.
Thank you for listening,