Wiki *****path and mohs on same day


Toms River, NJ
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hi, i am having a disagreement with my boss on this one. my boss being the physician.
a patient comes in office and dr takes a biopsy, puts on a slide and reads it. after determining the pt has a malignancy my dr performs a mohs procedure. is there any way to bill the path 88305 on this since it was done prior to the mohs procedure being done even thought it was on the same day. is there a modifier to use or a code to use or is this considered part of the mohs since all was done on the same day regardless of the fact that the biopsy was done before the mohs was started? this is not the norm, usually we do a biopsy , wait for the results and then schedule the mohs however there are times when the former scenario takes place. any ideas on this?