Wiki Patellar nonunion


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Patient had previous patellar fracture about 1 1/2 years ago.

Post Op Dx: Left Patellar tendon, patella nonunion with developing pseudoarthrosis.

Midline incision was made over the patellar tendon up to the distal pole of the patella. Dissection continued down to the paratenon, which was incised and elevated. A palpable defect was appreciated. Small incision was make longitudinally along the patellar tendon with agressive clear viscous fluid, and it was felt that this was probably development of pseudoarthrosis or a bursa about this malunion piece. As such, the piece was gently elevated away from its surrounding soft tissue. It was then excised. There was no articular portion to this. The patellar tendon was mildly thin on the medial side; however, this was very fairly small portion of the medial tendon. Given this, the tendon itself was grasped with FiberWire and secured tot he more central portion of the patellar tendon after irrigation. This was closed and the paratenon was closed.

I am not really finding anything that describes this procedure besides the unlisted-27599. I would code for the tendon suture, but it is not really ruptured. Any thoughts? Thanks :confused:
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