Wiki Passed my exam on the first try, now I can't find a job


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I passed my CPC on the first try, but now I cannot find a job in the Oswego/Syracuse area that is willing to hire me as a new coder. What do I do now, I am stuck in the infinite loop of need experience but have none, but no one will hire to give me the experience.:confused:
same here

I passed my exam the first try in 2009 and I have yet to find a job coding:mad::mad::mad:... I have done other jobs int he medical field but nothing with coding I am keeping my license active in hopes the requirement for experience is null and void and they give us all a chance to do what we worked so hard to obtain. That test is not easy by far so congrats. also look in to medical claims and medical appeals these are job I got with no problem. Hope that helps.

I passed the cpc-a and cpc-h-a and submitted resumes. No one has called even for an interview. I emailed the 2 Project Xtern contact people and no one has responded to me.

It is a great accomplishment to pass the exam. It is not an easy test. I was really fortunate that I had 15 years of billing/Medicare experience before I took the exam and was able to get a coding job right away. The best advise that I can give you is to attend your local chapter meetings. This is a great platform to meet people working as coders and to network with people so you can have an edge on job openings in your area. Don't give up on your dreams..................
I would also advise you to maybe find a job as a medical PSR/receptionist and move up your career into maybe billing and then coding. It is really hard to be a coder without having billing experience.