Wiki Passed CPC Exam!!!

Me too! i knew I reallly knew my stuff, ROCKED the AAPC course and final - but somehow ran out of time during the exam!!! But thankfully, even with that, I must have gotten most of what I did right! woo hoo!! yay for us!
TGIF!!! Hey!!! I Passed too !!!

Hey Put me in the party !! I just found out today that I passed too !!! Oh my Lord !! The first try!! No retake !!! Please watch me Ne Ne !!!
can one of you guys contact me if you can to tell me some tipsmon passing as well cause i really want to pass this exam my number is 9145729326
I passed my exam also !

I passed my exam too !!! So excited but now to finish this ICD 10 proficieny!!!:cool: