Wiki Partial phalangectomy with flexor tenotomy

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Could I have some input please on the below procedure??

"Longitudinal incision was made along the medial dorsal aspect of his foot. Incision was carried curvilinear over the medial border of the IP joint. A flap was elevated of the soft tissue. A capsulotomy was performed with release of the medial and lateral collateral ligaments and extensor mechanism was elevated. At this time a condylectomy was performed of the distal proximal phalanx with a sagittal saw and the fragments were removed. Roughening of the distal portion of the distal phalanx was also performed and subsequently a 0.45" K-wire was retrograded into the distal portion of the toe and then integrated into the proximal phalanx under fluoroscopic control.
Prior to the latter procedure a flexor tenotomy was performed through a small transverse incision on the plantar aspect of the foot.".

Tentatively looking at 28232 and 28126??

Any guidance is greatly appreciated :)
It sounds like the condylectomy was performed on the distal end of the proximal phalanx. I would use 28153 instead of the 28126. I would also append that with the toe modifer. And then the 28232. Hope this helps.