Wiki Partial mastectomy / Fluoro


Dublin, TX
Best answers
I have a partial mastectomy (19302). The doctor also has "Breast tissue was excised then examined ex vivo using C-arm fluoro". Can we bill for that fluoro and if so what code? I say 76000-26 but from my experience this is always bundled.

Also, can code 76098 - Radiologic exam, surgical speciman be billed by the surgeon or is this only billed out by the radiologist?

Thanks for any help! If you need more info, I can provide more detail from the op note.

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Mast w/Fluor

Look at code 15860. Our breast physician learned this in a seminar and was trying to get us to bill with every surgery. Our understanding is this...the physician THEMSELVES have to administer the dye and they MUST document, document, document that or we do not bill for it.
Im not a pro at this one, just something I recently learned. Look up Spy on google and that will give you a better understanding of what it is.

Hope this helps a little. :p