Wiki Partial Delivery

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I am not sure how to code for this scenerio... Our Dr. started a C-Section for another Dr. from a different practice. (The patient was not ours) When the other Dr. arrived at the hospital she took over. Our Dr. had just made the incision and that was all that was performed. I'm thinking this should be a consult but am not sure. Please help!
I feel that your Dr who made only incision, if continued to assisst in the procedure, she can take up the assitant benifit. The other doctor who took over the main procedure , will be previledged to be the primary surgeon for the cesarean. But you would like to talk to or bring to the knowledge of your doctor to avoid confusion.
She didn't assist with the rest of the procedure, she left once the other Dr. came in. So you think we can't bill for anything then? What about a subsequent hospital care code?
I would check with the patient's insurance carrier about using 59514-52. Send a letter of explanation from the physician and the delivery report.