Wiki Partial colectomy with coloproctostomy


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A patient has a partial colectomy with coloproctostomy (low pelvic anastomosis) with a diverting loop ileostomy. The CPT code 44208 is for partial colectomy with coloproctostomy and diverting loop colostomy. Both the ileostomy and colostomy will require separate incisions into the abdomen. There is conflicting information that suggests the term “colostomy” in the description of the (44208) just means “ostomy” and we use this code if either the colostomy or ileostomy is used. Then there are some who say we are to bill for the partial colectomy with coloproctostomy and a separate charge for the ileostomy creation (44207 + 44187).

The term “colostomy” is what is concerning here. The procedure is exactly the same, but a separate area of intestine is used as the ostomy. It feels a little like unbundling when using the 44207 and 44187 instead of the one code 44208.