Wiki Partial Amputation in ER


Bandon, OR
Best answers
Looking for some help with an ER procedure.

Patient presents with a partial amputation to his left thumb from a chop saw, involving the entire distal phalanx but not involving the interphalangeal joint with no bony involvement.

A digital block was performed using 5 mL of 2% lidocaine. The wound was copiously irrigated with 750 mL of sterile saline. After the wound was glistening clean and the fat was glistening white, I then reevaluted the amputated pad that was hanging by a very thin piece of meat, skin and muscular layer.
I excised the avulsed piece of tissue. A sterile dressing was placed over the stump.

The physician is calling it a partial amputation, but the codes all involve bone. I couldn't find a CPT code that fit and I was wondering if I should code an E&M instead.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks.